Health insurance premium showdown – individual vs group (US map)

Every year, health premiums rise. That’s not news, despite recent fears around the potentially accelerating growth. Lost in the press is the fact that costs vary widely across different options. To date, few have tried to answer the question: Is health insurance on the individual exchange cheaper or more expensive than the employer-sponsored group market? […]

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Benefitter in HR Executive Online- “Will Employers Stop Offering Health Benefits?”

Why will companies stop offering health benefits? Because, Emanuel argues in the book — Reinventing American Health Care: How the Affordable Care Act Will Improve Our Terribly Complex, Blatantly Unjust, Outrageously Expensive, Grossly Inefficient, Error Prone System (how’s that for a title?) — the online insurance exchanges will provide employers with a viable alternative for […]

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Brian Poger in HR Executive Online- “Innovation Central”

One of the most dynamic sessions at this year’s Health & Benefits Leadership Conference was the “Ideas and Innovators” session, in which experts from a variety of fields give five-minute presentations summarizing their thoughts on what HR leaders should do differently with regard to benefits. … Brian Poger, founder and CEO of consulting firm Benefitter, urged employers […]

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Conundrums for Employers as They Navigate Healthcare Reform

Recent developments regarding the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act have led to some surprising and probably unintended consequences for workers with dependents and their employers. Legislators clarified that workers with families whose employers offer qualified healthcare coverage will not be eligible for government assistance or premium tax credits on the public healthcare exchange in […]

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Further Obama administration guidance will accelerate the trend of employers guiding their workforce to the individual market for health coverage.

News The Obama Administration, through the Department of Treasury, announced that it will not enforce the Affordable Care Act employer mandate for companies with 50-99 employees until 2016. In addition, the new guidance says companies with 100+ employees can meet their obligations under the ACA in 2015 by offering insurance to 70% of their employees. […]

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Obama Delays Health-Insurance Mandate for Some Firms

A batch of employers won’t face a fine next year if they fail to provide health insurance to their workers, the Obama administration said Monday. In regulations outlining the Affordable Care Act, the Treasury Department said employers with between 50 and 99 full-time workers won’t have to comply with the law’s requirement to provide insurance […]

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Competitive Obamacare prices may lure employers

The phrase “sticker shock” has made headlines in stories about individual Obamacare enrollees, but premium prices for health insurance plans sold on Obamacare exchanges nationally are actually about the same—and in some cases cheaper—than premiums for comparable employer-offered plans, a new analysis reveals. If that trend holds in coming years, employers may strongly consider moving […]

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PwC Health Research Institute Confirms: ACA Marketplace Plans Cheaper

Benefitter welcomes PwC research showing Affordable Care Act plans cheaper than employer-sponsored ones. Benefitter offers free insurance transition analysis to U.S. employers. Savings can approach 50% for the average employer who transitions from traditional group health insurance to the state marketplaces San Francisco, CA (PRWEB) January 31, 2014 U.S. employers took note Thursday as PwC […]

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